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Lazy Lymphatics: plants that focus on moving the lymph system


What does our lymphatics system do? The lymphatic system can be thought of as a drainage system needed because, as blood circulates through the body, blood plasma leaks into tissues through the thin walls of the capillaries. The portion of blood plasma that escapes is called extracellular fluid  and it contains oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients needed by cells.  The lymphatic system removes this fluid and these materials from tissues, returning them via the lymphatic vessels to the bloodstream, and aids in the detoxification process.

Why is it important to keep it moving? If you are constantly sick or tired, your lymphatic system may have stopped working properly. Your lymphatic system, comprised of your lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and vessels that carry fluids that protect your body from disease, can become sluggish when you do not exercise, eat the wrong types of foods or endure a prolonged, serious illness.

Those red dots are actually areas where you have lymph nodes!

Here is a list of herbs that actually target specific areas of your lymphatic system to get it moving. How cool is that!

Phytolacca americana: Focus: pelvic area.

This lymphagogue acts on GALT, inhibits cyclo-oxygenase pathway, and has an affinity for reproductive areas. This lymphagogue is good for treating mastitis and ovaritis.

Stillingia sylvatica: Focus: liver and bowel.

This root is used in the Hoxsey formula and is good at cleansing a sluggish liver and bowel.

Veronicastrum virginicum: Focus: liver and gastrointestinal areas.

This herb is good at stimulating the liver, clearing jaundice (including neonatal jaundice) and lymph around the liver and GI.

Ceanothus americanus: Focus: whole body.

This lymphagogue has anti-septic qualities, helps with the spleen symptoms associated with malaria, and acts on the whole body.

Galium aparine: Focus: neck and kidneys.

The upper stems and leaves are used in this plant to treat cervical nodes and the urinary system in addition to helping the kidneys and lymphatics filter.

Calendula officinalis: Focus: gastrointestinal, pelvic, head, and neck.

This lymphagogue indicated for the GI, reproductive, head, and neck areas is also one of the best anti-fungals.

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