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Perfect PH: alkaline foods

The PH is a scale that measures whether your body is neutral, acidic, or alkaline.  

The ideal PH for us its slightly alkaline roughly between 7.30 to 7.45.

So, what does this actually mean?

Well, our goal is to keep your PH on the alkaline side to optimize your health.  

When your PH tilts to the acidic side you might notice some symptoms like increased inflammation, arthritis, joint pain, and break outs on your skin.

How do we get alkaline?

It's all about going back to the basics. EAT YOUR GREENS!!! Make water be your primary beverage and decrease processed foods.  Take a look at the chart below to get a better idea of the PH scale of foods.

You can test your pH levels by using a piece of litmus paper in your saliva or urine first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything.  

The foods that you eat can directly change your urinary and stool pH   (not your blood) but what does that mean?

Dr. Pizzorno N.D, states that diet-induced changes in urinary pH is primarily determined by your diet. Overconsumption of acidic foods, such as salty foods, meat, dairy and coffee, can lower the pH in your kidneys. This acidic renal pH can lead to chronic kidney stone formation and increased risk of urinary tract infections.

Stool pH is also determined heavily by diet with the most optimal level around 7-7.5. An acidic stool could be indicative of  digestive problems, malabsorption issues, or a food allergy (lactose intolerance).

Craving more info?

Read diet induced acidosis- is it real and clinically relevant? by Dr. Pizzorno

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