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What's In Your Water?

Water is essential to every function in our body, we can only live days without it. One of the simplest activities to improve health is to DRINK MORE WATER but first you need to know what's in your water!

Public drinking water may contain more than 700 contaminants!!! including organic chemicals like pesticides, solvents, arsenic, and benzene; inorganic chemicals such as lead, mercury, and nitrates (bad ones) and iron and zinc (good ones) and microbes such as viruses, coliform bacteria, and Giardia and even radioactive compounds like radon.

So how is this allowed? 

The EPA has set legal limits or maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for only 30 of the 700 contaminants. Even if the water is within normal limits when measured there are still other variables from the plant until it reaches you like  lead from pipes, fixtures, or solder can leach into the water.

What can we do to drink cleaner water?

  • Run your water until it is good and cold before drinking or cooking with it.

  • Learn where your water is coming from. Is it a surface water source like a river or lake (which typically have higher levels of THMs such as chloroform or does it come from underground sources.

  • If you have a well, consider getting your water tested

  • Where do you live? Are you close to farms using pesticides, industrial plants?

  • Drink water out of glass water bottles.

  • Use an additional home water filtration system and make sure the filter removes particles less than .5 microns.

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