Hidden Food Allergies

Many people think food allergy symptoms are easy to spot such as immediate facial swelling, trouble breathing, or a rash... but food allergies or sensitivities can be quite subtle.

A food sensitivity could show up as a little gas and bloating after eating, an increase in mucous, chronic ear infections, fatigue, small patches of eczema on the skin, or maybe even no physical symptoms.

Tuning into your body and feeling how it responds to foods is a good indicator for what types of foods work for you.

Do you feel tired after eating a high simple carb meal?

Do you feel bloated after eating bread?

Do you get headaches after drinking a diet beverage?

Long term consumption of foods that you might have an allergy to can cause decreased absorption of nutrients in your intestines, decreased immune function, and inflammation.

These are the most common culprits:








Trying an elimination diet might be a good way to learn more about how you body responds to foods.